Yo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) boys.. here is the 50+ Emotional faces, Meme faces, Happy, Sad expression faces, You can just Copy and Paste. Cool Symbols and Emoji are also involved which looks great.
We don’t know exact meaning of Lenny face. But you can assume that as they are some face expression made with different symbols.
That was tha time when Android phone are not even Developed. In my memory, I use Nokia mobile (which was simple with keypads) to send SMS to my friends.
On that time Android hasn’t available so advanced emojies are also not available that time.
In my fresh memory I use some some symbols to show expressions.
like for happy, was for Sad and <3 was for heard to show Love to someone.
Now this are available in Text Emoji Happy with Tears of Happiness Sad heart to express love.
Technology changed everything.. uhh.
Now time has changed, Lots of Smart keywords comes for Android Mobile which provides different characters. by using that characters and symbols we can create awesome Lenny Faces.
Some Examples are:
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ made with some unicode and Japanese alphabet, is one of most famous face used to create Facebook stylish names.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Made with some Unknown language but looks cute.
(╭☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞ made with Symbol and Emoji Text looks Cool and Swag.
Chinese, Japanese and Greek alphabets are very famous to generate
How to copy and paste faces
This method is so simple as you don’t need to study rocket science to use this emoji faces.
Follow this Simple Steps..
Go to top of this page and scroll slowly to get your favorite face.
Once you get this and want to paste this? Just Long press on the face which you want to copy.
( Our Developer was so lazy that they haven’t added Tap To Copy Option)
A popup will appear with some options. Simply click on Copy. Shown in Image below.
Now that face is copied and saved in Clipboard.
Open your social media accounts or gaming account or where you want to paste it.
Again long press, You will see option to paste. Click there,
This how you can Copy and Paste faces you wants. You can use it as Instagram username, Gamertags or COC clan names.
How Do You Type Lenny Face On IPAD?
Lenny faces are made with different languages and its alphabets. like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) made with Unicode symbol and African language. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ made with some symbol and Japanese alphabet.
So you need a keyboard which supports multi languages. Still its very hard to find this characters/alphabets.
No matter you have IPAD or Android, this is very toughest task to search different lenny faces alphabets. You should use Lenny Faces Generator tool to generate some emoticon faces or meme faces
Lenny Faces are cutes and full of swag.. Made with different alphabet, You can use it anywhere you wants (Should support special characters).
Share this post with your friends show that they also can send everyone this Emoji text faces.